Welcome to St John the Evangelist Wembley
Welcome to St John the Evangelist Wembley

About us 

We are called by God through our Lord Jesus Christ to live and share his love with others.

Our Values

We are an active worshiping family that welcomes people from diverse backgrounds.

We believe in the authority of the scripture as inpired by God. We share in kingdom values as those who have received mercy and forgiveness. We seek with humility to show God's love in our community and to support those who feel vulnerable.

Our Commitment

We are comitted:

  • To being a church that facilitate an inspired and relevant worship, where everyone is welcomed  and made to feel comfortable and renewed for life
  • To enhancing confidence about our faith and share the Good news to facilitate Church growth and be an expression of God's love in the community.
  • To helping each other to identify our individual gifts and to encourage and develop them for ministry amoung God's people.
  • To developing young people spiritually, educationally and socially and to equip them with leadership skills.
  • To being a loving family of Christ by promoting pastoral responsibility for each other and for our community

Priest In Charge 

The Revd' Ngozi Njoku

Our Team

The Vicar: The Rev'd Ngozi Njoku

Tel: 02089008644/ 07777928324



Carole Bevis-Smith

Licensed Lay Minister





Shibu Abraham

Commissioned Lay Minister




Simbo Ajayi

Commissioned Lay Minister and Sunday School Teacher






Catherine Miller-Baldwin

Commissioned Lay Minister



Nkiru Egbochuku





Robert Barker

PCC Secretary



Leslie Bevis-Smith

Music Director & Organist



Helen Bageire

Worship Leader



June Farquharson

Worship Leader




Janet Vassell

Sunday School Teacher




Sunday School Teacher





Both our Church Building and Community Centre have full accessibility

For further information & inquiries please contact the Parish Office via Tel/: 

020 8902 7105

Whatsapp Messaging 


From 9am to 1pm, Monday -Friday 





Weddings, Confirmation, Baptism, Burials Services and anything relating to Church. 

Revd' Ngozi Njoku 02089008644 

or Email:




Keep up to date with us by visiting & 'liking' our Facebook page

St John's WW1 Memorial
Please click to download the full list of Names displayed in our Memorial.
StJohns Memorial List.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [479.1 KB]
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© St John the Evangelist Wembley